Caravan Nation Pages

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Featured Caravan Pilot: Jeciane with the Brazilian Air Force

Meet our Featured Caravan pilot Jeciane with the Brazilian Air Force. It is the largest Air Force in the Southern Hemisphere with 627 aircraft and 77,454 personnel.

Jeciane is an inspirational pilot! Below you will find her answers to some questions that we asked her. We know that she will inspire some current and future pilots!

Name: Jeciane
Age: 26 years old
From: Brazil 
Total Time: 300 hours
Company: Brazilian Air Force
Location: Belem, Para
Years flying Caravans: 1 year

What do you like most about flying the Caravan? 

The Caravan is the most comfortable airplane that I’ve ever flown. At first, taxiing was a little difficult, because the last airplane that I flew (EMB-110) had the “Stirring” command. But after I got used to it, I could see how maneuverable the Caravan was! Furthermore, it is a versatile airplane that carries 10 passengers (in the Brazilian Air Force we always fly Caravan with 2 pilots and 1 mechanic). 

Here in BelĂ©m, there isn’t the G1000 version, so we still do the romantic flying. Different from other Air Force airplanes, the Caravan can land almost on every runway in the north of the country. That allows us to reach isolated localities and help those in need. It is a gratifying mission!

What are your career goals?

At first I want to go back to the Air Force Academy, where I graduated, and contribute with flight instruction of the new cadets. Then, maybe I'll go back to Campo Grande, my hometown, and fly the C-105 Amazonas or I could try the Embraer KC-390. I’m not sure what to do next!

What is your advice for younger pilots?

I think that the most important thing is not to make one mistake that will screw up the flight. We all know to study hard and to compromise are the base of anything we want to do, so it is important not to forget it. 

At the academy, I have gone through a lot of challenges. If we did not reach the established marks in each flight, we could be expelled from the school. I think that helps me a lot not to despair after some mistake I did. Not to give up at the first yell of the instructor and try to stay calm and trust in my knowledge, because I knew I had studied really hard. Good luck to you all!

For more information about the Brazilian Air Force, check out their official site here

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